Creating a Board Game

I have had an idea for a board game for about 2 years now…

  • Its not really been developed and doesn’t even have a prototype.

Starting Process:
When I think about making a game I don’t begin by trying to figure out all the pieces needed or the game mechanics.I start by imagining (thinking about, meditating on, using a scratch pad)  an experience I would like to have in a game.

board game creation






Game Experience
If you could have any experience in a game what would you want it to be?

– A few of my favorite games are…  Risk, Settlers of Catan, and Chess, all involve a lot of strategy and player choice

Risk:  Decide where to defend and attack on your turn then pass the dice to the next player. Very Fun!

Settlers of Catan:   A micro economy game in which players hurry to set up towns, roads, and cities to get to a certain number of points to win the game.

Chess: Chess involves 6 different types of pieces on a 64 square board with endless possibilities. Each player starts with the same set up and then plays for position and eventually a king is captured or the other player surrenders and is defeated.

My Goal:
I would like to make a game that would involve a lot of these same type of things.

  • I also want my game to be simple. None of the above games involves very much as far as pieces or cards. The entire games are a battle of wits between players.

Down to business.

The Idea!

A Merchant Ship game.

I made a map for it just to give myself a frame of reference.

Starting Items:
Players would start with a set amount of points to begin the game with. With the points they would be able to buy ships and choose trade routs and the goods they would be shipping.

Game Pieces:
There would be three different sizes of ships, action cards, economy cards, and weather cards.

  1. ships (3 sizes)
  2. action cards
  3. economy cards
  4. weather cards
  5. may need route cards but not sure yet.

Winning the Game:
You could attack other players in this game if you saw it to your advantage or go about your business peacefully. The end of the game would be the result of having gained enough points in trade routes or liquid assets.

Wrapping Up:
Its very basic at this moment i haven’t figured out the mechanics but i think this game would offer a unique experience and allow players to make decisions in order to win the game.

  • A Push in the right direction…

Recently i listened to a podcast by Gabe Barrett. The information was from leading experts he was very professional asked good questions and was entertaining check it out. His podcast is named Board Game Design Lab. He also has a website

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